5 Of Hollywood’s Worst Celebrity Neighbors

3. The Kardashians


The Kardashians live well but they live a silly life, with slutty Kim, her conflicted sisters, her manager-mom Kris and Bruce Jenner the disillusioned husband of Kris who is seeking a sex change operation so he can be the new Kim. . This group of over indulged folk have a life that is predicated on convincing the world that they have a natural, spontaneous life with one slight exception – they are filmed everyday, everywhere they go. Being a neighbor of the K-Clan is like living next to MGM Studios in Hollywood being subjected to web cams, mike booms, wardrobe trailers, equipment trucks – the film crew stays on the Kardashians 24-7 to film their “natural, unscripted” life. The neighbors are over this! They are all craving peace, hoping the Kardashians move to some remote place like Barstow or maybe even Death Valley. It’s perfect!

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