5 Of Hollywood’s Worst Celebrity Neighbors

2. Honey Boo Boo


Honey Boo Boo otherwise known as Alana Thompson is fat child TV star and child-beauty pagent participant. She stars in a TLC reality TV show with her mother, “Mamma June”. This program is a cross between the movie Deliverance and The Swamp People. Honey Boo Boo (God that’s a repulsive name!) is a Red Bull drinking toddler who brings new meaning to what “white trash” is all about. Other family members show up to try and class up their TLC reality show, but to no avail. TLC is shooting some prime footage for the reality series –  trashed autos, stray creatures and waste dumps. In addition, you can presumably smell the whole Thompson family from miles away. Their all fat and pretty useless. This pint-sized redneck needs to be put on a diet and sent to bed at 8 o’clock. She’s a spoiled brat and a redneck to boot; a hugely dangerous combination. Hope your not going to be living door to her.

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